Economic Survey Enumerators Final Exam All Q&A

Economic Survey Enumerators Final Exam All Q&A
Economic Survey Enumerators Final Exam All Q&A

हेल्लो दोस्तों आप सभी को पता होगा CSC Economic Survey. Enumerators and Supervisors के Exam में अलग अलग Questions आता है | में आप सभी Supervisors exam के सभी questions and answers दे चूका हु आज आप सभी जानोगे Enumerators के Exam में किस तरह का  Questions अता है | साथ में आप को यहाँ Answers में मिल जायेगा | अगर आप एक Enumerators हो तो आप इन सभी questions and answers को याद कर सकते हो | और Exam में 100% पास कर सकते हो |

Economic Survey Enumerators Final Exam All Q&A

Q 1 . Does by defalt VLE act  as a supervisor 
a) yes 
b) no  

Q 2. While asking question , Enumerator should 
a) Ask question in friendly  and warm tone 
b) mentioning respondents answer precisely 
c ) free from biases and undue emotions
d) All

Q 3. Adriviation of NIC is national Investment Classific is 
a) yes 
b) no   

Q 4 Using  logic and reasoning to identify the strengths and weaknesses of altemative solutions conclsions or approach 
a) critical thinking 
b) Agressive 
c) Extrovert 
d) Emotionally mature

Q 5. Abreviation of SHG is self help group  
a) yes 
b ) no 

 Q 6. embassise are included in Economic  census 
a) true 
b) false 

Q 7. Attentive listeners are  those  who ________
a) listen more than they talk 
b) Do not pay attention the interviewe is talking 
c) interrupt the interviewe when they talk  
d ) Talk more than the interviewe 
यह भी पढ़े Supervisors Final Exam All Q&A
Q9. An enumerator should not be ________
a) Arogant 
b) courteous
c) Helpful 
d) well manered  

Q.10 what is one man organisation individual owner named  as 
a) sole preprietoship
b) private limited company 
c) public  limited company 
d) partrership 

Q 11. what are basic information you need to fill for geographical area 
a) State and district name Auto filled 
b)state , district ,city ward name  auto filled 
c) state , district ,city ward , pin code and ufc block name auto filled 
d) Except for pin code & USF block all data will be profiled  
Q 12. How many Enumeration block are under one Enumerator ?
a) 4 
b) 5
c) 3
d) 2 

Q 13. Which is the correct of Establishment without fixed structure outsite premases
a) Electronic Riksha 
b) Grosary 
c) mobile shop 
d) Hardware 

Q14. Are there 4 types of Economic census house ?
a) Yes 
b) No 

Q 15. Census twon is a  village with population of more than 5000 persons ? 
a) true 
b) folse 

Q 17. USF block are created in urban
a) Yes 
b) No 
Q 18. Separate main entrance from road / staircase is economic census house? 
a) Yes 
b) No 

Q 19. export , import are include in Economic  census
a) True 
b) false 

Q 20.  A person providing computer services during  day-time as own an account worker and also activity? 
a) no  
b) yes 
c) could be 
d) non above these

Q 21. What does perenial opretion mean ? 
a) E vents like the summer school holiday 
b) seasons of the year and their weather - related changes 
c) lasting throughout the year or through many years  
d) in Holidays only 

Q 22. orphanages , Nari niketans be listed as house holds in Economic census ?  
a) true 
b) false 

Q 23. An enumerator should be bias . 
a) true 
b) false 

Q 24. In case of EB covering more than one schedules should be canvassed for each village
a) tue 
b) false 

Q 25.   A group of enumerators is  called a enumeration block 
a) true 
b) false 
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